Psychoactives Wiki

The Tribal Blends are a group of blends (similiar to the Galaxy Blends) sold by Legal Herbal Shop. A few members are considered Spice Alternatives.

Sacred Journey[]

Clearly a Spice alternative, and considered by many to be similiar to Planet X. It is well liked because it isn't too edgy, and it provides more of a "stoned" feeling than many of the other spice alternatives. It is considered very strong, but rarely overwhelming, a characteristic it shares with other Tribal Blends.

African Sunset Xtreme[]

This is popular as a daily smoke. It is very smooth and relaxing, yet quite potent. Although it may be slightly less potent than other Spice Alternatives, it is as extremely popular to do its smooth effects.

African Sunset[]

A milder smoke, not considered a true Spice Alternative but still popular. It is possibly comparable to Nitro and Meltdown.